Eminem s-a reintors oficial pe scena hip-hop. In timpul editiei de anul acesta a BET Awards, Eminem s-a reintors in mult-asteptatul segment de cypher al ceremoniei, acolo unde a dat un freestyle de patru minute.
Eminem a vorbit despre protestele din NFL, catastrofa din Puerto Rico si zidul de la frontiera cu Mexicul printre altele.
„But we better give Obama props, ’cause what we got in office now is a kamikaze that’ll probably cause a nuclear holocaust/And while the drama pops, and he waits for shit to quiet down/He’ll just gas his plane up and fly around until the bombing stops.” a cantat Eminem.
„Intensity’s heightened, tensions are rising/Trump, when it comes to giving a shit, you’re as stingy as I am/Except when it comes to having the balls to go against me, you hide ’em/’Cause you don’t got the fuckin’ nuts, like an empty asylum.” a continuat el in freestyle.
De asemenea, rapperul a avut un mesaj si pentru sustinatorii lui Trump: „Any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing in the sand a line: You’re either for or against/And if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this: Fuck you.”
Eminem a mai participat la cypher-ul BET si in editia din 2009, cand a cantat alaturi de Most Deep si Black Thought. Artistul a revenit in 2011 si a oferit un freestyle intr-un cypher in care au fost prezenti Slaughterhouse, Yelawolf, Joe Budden, Crooked I, Royce Da 5’9″ si Joell Ortiz.
Participarea in celebrul segment din BET Awards a alimentat zvonurile despre noul album al rapperului. Mult-asteptatul sau album se presupune ca este terminat si ca va fi lansat in curand, cel mai probabil pe 17 noiembrie.
Sursa: http://www.utv.ro/